High-risk arms trade and the financial sector

High-risk arms trade and the financial sector

30 augustus 2023

Grote beleggers zoals Allianz, Aegon, ABP en PFZW beleggen gezamenlijk 5,7 miljard euro in vijftien wapenbedrijven die wapens leveren aan landen waar het risico op misbruik hoog is. Dat blijkt uit dit nieuwe rapport voor de Eerlijke Geldwijzer

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Hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue are earned every year by arms-producing companies, a significant proportion of which is for contracts with controversial parties. India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China, Pakistan and Qatar are among the ten biggest arms importing countries.

This study examines these financial links between major Dutch investors (pension funds and insurers) and the companies profiting from the arms trade with controversial destinations. Investors should act responsibly in providing financial services and in line with international standards for responsible business conduct.

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