To achieve stable, lasting, resilient, and locally owned democracy in Ukraine, the EU Accession Process alone is insufficient. What is needed on top is additional nation-wide bottom-up activities and programming on participatory democracy and anti-corruption, an eye for regional differences, and strong support to trauma-healing, dialogue, reconciliation, and peace education. What is needed throughout is an attitude of mutual respect and an exchange of equals, including learning from the lessons Ukraine can bring to the EU (courage and integrity, but also digital transformation and the resilience of a public sector that has shown the ability to continue delivering critical public services under extreme conditions). Otherwise, reforms risk getting stuck on paper in Kyiv or being met with strong resistance, despite current Ukrainian enthusiasm and the speed and integrity of reforms. Lack of progress toward EU Accession and return to belligerent nationalism in the Western Balkans are an example not to follow

29 september 2022
Ukraine Needs an EU Accession Process ‘Plus’
Urkaine Alert, September 2022